It may sound cliche but I'm so sick of mean people.Why can't they find out the truth before barking around? Why can't they take people's feelings into consideration? Why can't they? Sometimes I can't be sure whether I'm being overly sensitive or it is real that people are trying to use their words as weapon.Yet,I told myself that I shouldn't bother because deep down I know I did not do it and I'm innocent. There were many stuffs going on in my mind and my brain was operating like a washing machine, a 70-year-old washing machine.The noises in my head were thundering, slashing me into pieces.I was shattered.I forgot when was the last time I cried but that night, I cried.
I woke up with puffy eyes, I stared into the mirror, slightly taken aback by the lady I saw in the mirror.Her skin color was dull, eyes were swollen, hair was a mess and cheeks were colorless.I thought to myself :'Well, at least I feel better, less noises in my head'. I was obviously feeling better after pouring my problems to my close friends. I'm glad they listened to all my problems and tried their best to make me laugh.Thank you very much.
Then, mom called me telling me that the whole family is coming to visit me, I tried to stop them from coming over because I don't want them to look at my current zombified state. But, they insisted anyway and gave me a huge surprise.( I can't say what's the surprise due to personal reasons but it made my day tho) Their presence really brighten up my day and made me forget about the immediate problem I confronted with.
After a long day, I began to let loose on the issue I was facing, I started to see the bigger picture and I realized that I have many more important things to focus on rather than the so-called-problem. But to be honest, there's still a tinge of uneasy feeling in my mind but I decided to stuff it right into the deepest valley of my medulla oblongata, I guess it will be forgotten in a few days.No worries.
And I came across a few quotes that I find pretty relevant to our daily lives.Here it is :
“周围什么样的人都有,无论你说什么做什么,总会有人不 认同你,你没必要以这些人的喜好来左右自己的情绪。如果 有人侮辱你,不是你得罪了他就是他嫉妒你。你既然问心无 愧,何苦为了不喜欢你的人来折磨自己?别人之所以看不起 你,就是希望你过得不好;你不应该遂了别人的愿,而是原 谅他们的可怜。”
The less you respond to rude, critical, argumentative people, the more peaceful your life will become.
“接受无法改变的事,以为是软弱,其实拼命争取不可改变 的事,才是无知。心灵安顿处即是好日子。当你相信这是一 个什么样的世界时,这个世界就会回应你一个你所相信的世 界。从窗朝外望去,有人看到的是满地的泥泞,有人看到的 是漫天的云霞。”
You have be thoughtful in reacting to situations. There are times where you have to accept the fact and let things be even though it is difficult for you. It may make you feel like a total loser or an idiot but it's better than fighting vigorously over something that had been fixed.